Monday, November 19, 2007

Numbers 12:6

I reveal myself to him in visions,
I speak to him in dreams.
Numbers 12:6
I am running down a long, dark hallway. There are no doors, no windows, nothing. Just walls and darkness. At the end of the hallway, around a corner I can see a light. I continue to run and as I do I can see the tails of Jesus' robe whoosh around the corner. As He rounds the corner, the light goes with Him, and I'm left in total darkness. As I turn the corner, doing my best to keep up with Him, I see that He has already reached the next corner and is rounding it, light dimming, robe whooshing, leaving me in total darkness.
I continue to run desperately...I run and run and run, turning corners blindly in hopes that I have finally caught up...each time only grasping a small glimpse of His robe and
His lightness as I turn every corner.
The next thing I see is pitch black. I have given up. I am sitting in the darkest hallway, knees up against my chest, my head resting on folded arms perched atop my knees. I am alone. I am tired. I am done.
I ask Him, "What if I can't keep up? What if I go and go and go but I just can't do it?"
As soon as I ask Him this I see a Bright Light beaming from under my folded arms. I lift my head and squint my eyes, only to see His hand extending toward me. I take His hand and He says, "Then I will come back for you. Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you."
He lifts me up,we continue on and I am no longer in the dark.